First Voyage - by Rymix - This song was written 4 all of my friends starting school in 1992. It is also the 1st song written using my new Korg 01/W keyboard! I *love* it! :) Real World Greets to: Chad, Paula, Amy & Heather, Denny (DraX), Michael S (Axl), Michael M (Cybersol), and everyone else who's cool... IRC Greets go out to: CrimsonT, Juno, Sheol(Aerial), Barnaby, Bearr, jasonsw, Effigy, Ducksaus, Hendrix77, Camilla, Nod0ze, sIn, NoFX, tf2u, reset, fenris, Lucifer, Tazzz, FastLane, AmigaMan, Tattoo, truck, dadevo, Iranon, BUD-, RAGE, Euler, Edsncrtr, raven, Jilly, GodVamp, Azathoth, PitFiend, SideWind, Sunrise, rad, QDref, erpola, villager, and anyone else on IRC who I don't know yet... Protracker & Amiga Rule 4ever! ...TIME.TO.DREAM... ( -----This text is appended as the last instrument of the module-------